Cognitive Ability


The results of scientific studies over a long period of time have shown the ability of this type of test to predict the extent of an employee’s success in performing his job duties

25 Video
The ability to watch it anywhere, anytime and from any device
Electronic tests and previous assemblies
A training bag and group for those interested in cognitive ability
The course is valid for three months
Course Trainer

منصة نبتكر



The results of scientific studies over a long period of time have shown the ability of this type of test to predict the extent of an employee’s success in performing his job tasks, regardless of the nature of the job, as the test measures cognitive processes and abilities of a general nature, so this test will be used with Other standards and tools used by the Ministry of Civil Service to conduct job comparisons for ladder jobs in the civil service system in the Kingdom (except for health and educational jobs).

* What will you learn?

* Verbal ability: the ability to understand the meanings of words and use them effectively and to understand the relationships between them and the meanings contained in a sentence, paragraph, or written text.
* Quantum ability: the ability to process quantitative information.
* Deductive ability: The ability to think logically by applying the rules of deductive and inductive reasoning to abstract or intangible symbolic data or information to reach conclusions about them.
* Spatial ability: The ability to visually adapt using images and geometric shapes and the ability to visualize two-dimensional drawings and shapes as three-dimensional objects.

* About the trainer

Fahid Salman

- Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Teachers College in Dammam.
- Diploma in measurement and evaluation from Majmaah University.
- A number of courses in the field of training.

- Training in the field of capabilities and measurement for 10 years.
- Nearly 5,000 male and female students were trained in the field of capabilities.
- A number of publications in the field of ability tests (your abilities, overcoming abilities, cognitive ability).

* Axes

  1. Verbal ability
  2. Quantitative ability
  3. Inferential ability
  4. Spatial ability

* Target group

Everyone has a university degree

^ Lessons
Lesson One: Arithmetic Operations + Sentence Completion
Lesson Two: Arithmetic Operations + Sentence Completion
Lesson Three: Sequences + Synonyms
Lesson Four: Sequences + Antonyms
Lesson Five: Interpreting Data
Lesson Six: Reading Comprehension
Lesson Seven: Logical Expressions
Lesson Eight: Shapes and Drawings
Lesson Nine: Deduction + Induction
Lesson ten: Spatial ability cubes

Cognitive Ability Group

Course Content
First Lesson
First lesson test
First lesson test 2
the second lesson
Lesson two test
the third lesson
Lesson three test
Lesson 3 test 2
Lesson Four
Lesson 4 test
The fifth lesson
Lesson six
Lesson Six test
Lesson seven
Lesson seven test
Lesson eight
Lesson 8 test
Lesson 8 test 2
Lesson nine
Lesson nine test
Lesson 9 test 2
Lesson ten
Lesson ten test
Comprehensive testing
The last lesson
questions and answers

عبدالعزيز الحسني

29 مارس 2023
ليش المقاطع ماتشتغل معي؟!!

Galya Hassan

11 ابريل 2023
ليه المقاطع الاول بدا من سوال 24 وين بدايه المقطع

منصة نبتكر

14 ابريل 2023
تم حل

سحر احمد

12 يوليو 2023
اين أجد الواجبات

mohammed Alghamdi

30 أكتوبر 2023
كيف اقدر اقراء القطعه ماتطلع لي

رهف القرشي

26 يونيو 2024
احتاج رابط القناة تبع دورة القدرة المعرفية فن احصله ؟

ناديه الحربي

09 اغسطس 2024
ابي رابط قناة التليقرام اللي موجود تحت ما يطلع لي

اشواق المطيري

16 سبتمبر 2024
السلام عليكم ، الله يعطيكم العافية كيف ادخل قناة التليقرام المخصصة للدورة ؟!
6 from questions

مذكرة تدريب اختبار القدرة المعرفية لعام 1444.pdf

pdf file 15.86 MB
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سلمى سلمى

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Noof Saad

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